December 6, 2012

Cuffin' Season - PATisDOPE Style

FIRST of all: apologies for the long... and I mean LONG drought of posts. See, what had happened was: 
Yeah, nothing happened. Well, something happened - that's for a future post, though. I do promise that these next few weeks and the future of "The Resume" will be forthcoming and delightful!

Alas, time for the important stuff.

I know a guy. His name Pat. I been told he's dope. Fortunately, I have been able to take note of what he does and his dope has been documented by many. He consolidates said dope at PATisDOPE dot com. Most of his dope consists of reviews, previews, interviews... and page views. I ain't mad.

So the man Pat has put together a video on one of my favorite subjects: Cuffin' Season. I have not spoken much on it b/c:

  1. This "grad school" stuff surprisingly difficult.
  2. I have not too much experience at the season of the cuff.
  3. Belief exists that there is no better way to examine the season than through the eyes of others.
All that said, I present to you: PATisDOPE Presents: Cuffin' Season Vol. 2. His [hilarious, if you ask me] take on the concept and... yeah. You just gotta watch it.

What's your take on the idea of "Cuffin' Season"? Tell us below. I look forward to sharing other sentiments regarding the season from the eyes of guest bloggers throughout December.


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