September 27, 2012

Relationship vs. Employment

As you may know - probably because I told you to - I have restarted this lovely blog here called "The Resume". If you still do NOT know why you are here - click here and learn what "The Resume" is. We at "The Resume" must stress that though we may have some insightful things to say about relationships, employment and the two collectively, we only know but so much; without the support and challenges posed by you as a reader, how can we grow as people and, essentially, as a blog? It is definitely important to learn from each other as we look to expand our knowledge.

A good friend of mine, Nick of TheJettsons posed this question to me today:

"Ok, personal question: what do you think comes first and is one greater than the other?"

If you don't know Nick, you need to meet him (pick his brain here) - this dude can make you think about the unthinkable. I'm sure people have considered these things before, but still. Which comes first: a good relationship or a good career? Is a good career and no relationship better than no career and a good relationship?

My take on it all... it's all relative. Some people are so career-oriented, they shirk all the relationships they once had and don't look to find any that don't begin with the word "business". Some of the biggest and best have done it all by themselves - then looked to find someone who is "in it for the money, err, love of the person". Others cannot live without love - constantly making sure those around them are taken care of, smother their family and significant other with all of their heart. So what if they work as a minimum wage junkie, bouncing from place to place - making sure their every penny of that $7.25 (in Maryland) is in their pocket. Right?

Whether you're a lifer in a career or a lifer in a relationship, you have to find your own balance and make sure it is comfortable for you. Don't mope around about how you hate your dead-end job; climb that employment ladder! Complaining about how you can't find "the one" won't make that person fall in your lap; better yourself and go get him/her!

As far as relationships and employment go: Find that one which you love to do

Only you can prevent forest fires decide what is good for/to you.

Which would you prefer?

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September 24, 2012

Been a Long Time... We Shouldn't Have Left You.

We messed up. Technically, I messed up.

J's Resume was accepted soon after the beginning of this blog and he has since been gainfully employed by a B.A. without his B.A.

My Resume, you might ask? It's been getting... revamped. A lot has gone on in the last 18 months. Cover letters drafted. Resumes handed out. Oh, and lest I forget: my actual job. I thought keeping up with this blog would be simple enough. I was wrong. I would say I'm sorry, but a good friend taught me:

"You're not sorry. You'll never be sorry. Remember that."
I DO apologize for the lack of content - yes, SEVERE lack of content. Good news, though, is that I have a new found zest for writing (my Bachelors degree in English is singing at the thought) and more free time to expand and expound on this truly amazing concept of "The Resume".

All apologies aside (assonance): how about you realize why this blog even exists. If you were already witty enough to figure it out,

I encourage you - implore some - follow along. "The Resume" may teach you something.

P.S. Vote on that poll to the right. Yeah. That one. Over there --->
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